


Hi friends, for the remainder of the summer we will be bringing you weekly wrap ups of the action that took place on the field and player feature(s) to keep you entertained.

Player Feature - Rory ''Gramps'' Landy

First of all, we are honoured to have a survivor from the first world war in our league, thank you for your service Private Landy. Our first player feature is on former convenor, Rory ''Gramps'' Landy. He's usually available for autographs at the early bird special at Applebee's on a Friday afternoon or causing a ruckus at his weekly bingo games along with his old age home friends (pictured below).

If you've heard his (stupid) walkup song for Sportzone, you'd know he's a devout Ireland fan, but despite his beer touting, binge drinking, puke spewing reputation, he also has a sensitive side. He really only has one weakness on the ball field: dog. If you ever really wanted to distract him on the diamond get a puppy to walk by and he'll be preoccupied by his exploding ovaries. We've been told this is a desirable trait in some ladies so do you gramps, do you.

Rory has graced us with his presence over 8, 9.... 10 years? Were not really sure, it's just a long time. After his years of service for 18 different teams you'd think he'd be slowing down… well you're right. BUT despite the ole bones not being what they used to be, and his memory loss making him forget which side he hits on, he's still one of the most feared hitters in the league, and we're confident he could last another 10 years before the school finally realizes he's using his grandson's ID to fake his way on and he's forced into retirement.

Here are some of his stats:
Home runs - SportZone 14
Home runs - TEAMLTD 4
Number of bases ran to on ground balls - 0 (The osteoporosis in his knees is setting in)
Number of balls hit to LF - 0
24s bought - 3

Weekly Wrap up - June 19-25

We are just past the halfway point of the MLSB season and so far we have seen it all, from diving catches to Nick "Kraft Deaner" Deane hitting his first ever home run. As the playoff push intensifies teams are starting to get into a groove and putting up some big numbers in both beers consumed and runs scored.

Monday/Wednesday League

Kik Kryptonite captained by the one and only Faustino Chilumbo vs Shoeless Sapphire captained by the keg stand champion Ayah Shahrari. It was a hard fought battle but Kik Kryptonite flexed their muscles and came out on topp 17-5.

Sleeman Saffron and Menchies Mint pulled off a large upsets against Wilfs Wave and Kik Kryptonite respectively.

SportZone Pink and Pabst Platinum continued their dominance atop the division in anticipation of next week's matchup of undefeated teams.

Chainsaw Chocolate continuing its run as the best third year team out there beating Chainsaw Chili.

Tuesday/Thursday League

The matchup of the week for the Tues/Thurs league was Pabst Blue against RWB Red. Two behemoths clashed and neither fell as it ended in a tie. PITCHER CHUG OFF?!

Spitz Cyan swept their games this week in their case for the running of best third year team.

Frat Burger Flamingo and Caliburger Kiwi had what we believe was the lowest scoring game in MLSB history at 2-1... stellar defence on full display.


Stay tuned weekly for more player features and weekly wrap-ups. Cheers no-down! - Mitch n' Shaves AKA Dad n' Daddy. whichever you prefer